December Activities
Dec. 8 - 11:00 Reception for confirmand with Bishop Brennan
Dec. 9 - Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation
8:00 am
7:00 pm
Dec. 10 - Ladies Society Meeting at 6:00 pm in Marian Hall.
Dec. 15 - Men’s Society Pancake Breakfast following 8:30 am Mass in Marian
Dec. 16 - Men’s Society Meeting with Advent Dinner at 5:30 pm in Marian
Hall. All men are invited.
Dec. 18 - Immaculate Conception Advent Penance Service 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Dec. 20 - St. Peter the Fisherman Advent Penance Service 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Christmas Eve Masses
Dec. 24 - 4:00 pm
Dec. 24 - 10:00 pm
Christmas Mass
Dec. 25 - 11:00 am
New Year’s Eve Mass
Dec. 31 - 7:00 pm
New Year’s Day Mass (Solemnity Of Mary)
Jan. 1 - 10:00 am
Mission Statement
We, the Faith Community of Immaculate Conception, Empowered by Our Baptism, Commit Ourselves to Live the Gospel Message. Affirmed through the Grace of our Eucharistic Celebrations, It is Our Vision to Reach Out Lovingly in Prayer, Formation and Service.
Office Hours
9:30 am - 1:30 pm Monday through Thursday
Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Closed ALL National Holidays, Good Friday, Easter Monday, The Assumption (August 15), All Saints Day (November 1), Immaculate Conception (December 8), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after Christmas.
Safe Environment
To report an incidence of suspected child sexual abuse, please contact your local law enforcement agency, or you may confidentially contact WV Child Protective Services at 800.352.6513. To report suspected cases of sexual abuse by personnel of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to the Diocese, please contact the Diocese at 888.434.6237 or 304.233.0880.
Welcome to Immaculate Conception Catholic Church website. May you find an amazing glimpse of the Life and Liturgy of Our Faith Congregation. We try to Live the Gospel values with an active praxis.
We invite you and Welcome you to our Church to celebrate with pure love and great Joy, Jesus Christ in Word, Sacrament and Service to ALL without boundaries!
Father Kishore
Parish Registration Form
Why is it so important that we register in a parish? Isn't it good enough that we go to Mass?
Registration is the official way we join a parish community. Many people think that because they attend a particular parish they automatically belong. At times, young adults who have moved away for years think they are still signed up under their parents. But membership requires signing up, formally enrolling yourself in a parish. Registration is a commitment to a community, a way to be included in the religious, social, and ministerial activities of your parish. Your registration affects the parish in many ways. Census numbers can determine how many priests are assigned to a church, what benefits and obligations the community has to the diocese, and how Masses, Confessions, and devotions are planned and scheduled.
Registration shows you belong. It is also necessary for certain benefits, like scheduling sacraments, obtaining sponsor certificates, and getting donation statements for taxes. Most importantly, it lets the parish count on you, to call on you to assist in its mission. Registering in your parish is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of your parish.
New Members - Catholic over the age of 18 (unless they are in school), we invite you to become registered members of our parish! This is a great way to practice the Catholic Faith. Registration forms are available on the bulletin boards in the back of the church. Please fill out this form and return it either by mail or the collection basket. Soon after, you will get a letter confirming your membership in the mail. Or you can complete the online form by click the link above.
Please make sure you introduce yourself to the Priest celebrating the Mass you attend!
Follow us on
To gain access to all of FORMED's content, follow these simple steps:
- Go to
- Enter our parish name include city or zip code
- Enter your name and your email address
to know, love and serve Christ
Immaculate Conception Parish is on a journey to know, love and serve Christ in our parish community. Together, we must embrace Christ's vision for missionary discipleship, so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.
The very first step in this process involves assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) comes in! The DMI is a tool that invites you to reflect on your discipleship journey here at Immaculate Conception. It is designed to:
- Invite parishoners to reflect on their journey of discipleship.
- Enable parish leadership to make data driven decisions
- Help parishoners to grow in their faith
The 10-15 min survey can be accessed in an on line link starting January 4th, 2025 through February 2nd, 2025, and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth, and enable you to provide your perspective on our parish's effort to help you grow in your relationship with Christ. All responses are confidential, and the parish will only receive information about our parish community as a whole. Paper surveys will be available for those that do not have access to on line completion of the survey.
Together, we must embrace Christ's vision for discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow in faith.
If you have any questions, contact Carol Colasessano @ or 304-290-7791
Safe Environment Training
This is the Direct Line to Virtus Online Training. Click on Virtus Training and it will take you to Virtus Online.
If you have an account, enter your user name and password. If you don't remember either one, click on I NEED LOGIN HELP.
If you don't have an account, click on FIRST-TIME REGISTRANT, and follow instructions.
Learn more about Safe Environment and why we must do this training.
Mass Schedule
Normal Hours
Saturday - 5:30 pm
Sunday - 8:30 am
- 11:00 am
Tuesday - 7:00 pm
Wednesday - 8:00 am
Thursday - 8:00 am
Friday - 7:00 pm
From the Office of the Bishop
Gender Transition - May 10, 2024
Pastoral Letter on the Elderly and Persons with Special Needs - January 5, 2024
Israel-Hamas War: a Second Look - Janauary 2, 2024
Pastoral Letter on Migration - November 30, 2023
Catholic Just War Theory applied to Israeli-Hamas Conflict - October 17, 2023
Pastoral Letter on Pro-life Matters - October 6, 2023
Letter to the Faithful Announcing Updates to Safe Environment Policies