Anointing of the Sick
"May the Lord help you with Grace of the Holy Spirit . . .
Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of Hope and Restoration. When a person is ill, going for an operation or has any physical, mental or spiritual need for health and strength; they may ask to be anointed.
Anointing of the Sick is different than "Last Rites". Last Rites is specifically "Food for the Journey" communion and prayers for a happy death.
In recent years there has been a different emphasis on the Sacrament of the Sick. Even the change in the name of the Sacrament signals a new understanding. The old name, "Extreme Unction" often made the sacrament seem like a deathbed experience in preparation for the next life. The new name, "Sacrament of the Sick" tries to convey the real purpose of the sacrament: to confer special grace on the Christian experiencing the difficulties that accompany serious sickness or old age. In the past the sacrament was administered almost always in private (home or hospital). Although that is often still the case, parish celebrations of the sacrament have become common practice. This helps to underscore the fact that we are all involved in this sacramental action of Christ. It can also be a reminder to us that our sick brothers and sisters participate in a special way in the redemptive sufferings of Christ. As we were taught, every sacrament combines the action of Christ and the action of the community. We come together to pray, certainly for our sick and infirm brothers and sisters, but also for all those in our parish family in need of God's healing. (Copyright © 2010 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.)
Father Kishore Varaparla
Phone: 304 532-9744
Sister Stella Cronauer
Phone: 304 367-0485