
Immaculate Conception Church

329 Maryland Avenue, Fairmont WV 26554

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Adminstrative Ministries

Finance Committee

The 1983 Code of Canon Law requires every parish to have a Finance Council. Canon #537 defines more specifically that the Council be made up of no less than four parishioners appointed by the Pastor who possess a working knowledge of financial affairs and outstanding integrity. They meet no less than four times a year.

The Council serves the Pastor and the Parish by overseeing the financial operations of the parish to ensure that the financial dealings of the parish are carried out efficiently, honestly and in accordance with the mandates of the diocese and sound accounting principles. The council's role is to provide advice and oversight. Operational decisions are ultimately in the hands the Pastor.

The finance council meets on a quarterly basis to review the Parish's financial results. In addition, there are ad hoc meetings to deal with other financial issues that may arise. Volunteers should have a strong educational background and/or work experience in finance. There are five members on the council. When there is an opening, volunteers are considered by the existing council and the Pastor. The ultimate decision as to who serves on the board is made by the Pastor. For more information, contact:

Primary Contact: Jeanina Butcher (Chairperson)




  • Jeanina Butcher (President)
  • Jim Gaskins
  • John Barnes
  • Mark Jurick
  • Carol Hoffman
  • Leah King
  • Ex-officio: Fr. Kishore Varaparla & Teresa Rundle